The worst part about cellulite is that it is a part of how your tissues are formed and that there is not really anything you can do to change it without a cellulite treatment. At JUVA Skin & Laser Center, our NYC dermatologist, Dr. Bruce Katz, offers cellulite treatments using Cellulaze.
Cellulaze is revolutionary treatment that allows Dr. Katz to access the inner connective tissues that can cause cellulite to appear. Within the fat layer, you have connective tissue that can be stretched and push down on the fat cells, giving your skin the appearance of a combination of raised and depressed skin. The alterations in how your skin appears is what looks like an orange peel and isn't aesthetically pleasing.
Through a small incision, Dr. Katz can utilize the Cellulaze laser to cut the fat chambers that get depressed by your connective tissue. This help the bulges and depressions to disappear and leaves you with smooth, firm, gorgeous-looking skin.
Cellulaze also encourages your tissues in the treated area to produce collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin smooth and youthful.
Contact us today to discover how Cellulaze can help you be free from cellulite and loving how you look. You can fill out the form on this page or call us at (212) 688-5882.