- How long have you worked as an aesthetician?
I have been an aesthetician at JUVA Skin & Laser Center for 16 years.
- Why are facials important?
Facials are important for all skin types on a number of levels including acne-prone and mature skin. Facials help keep the skin hydrated and exfoliated. More importantly, we are exposed to harsh radicals and elements from the environment on a daily basis. Facials help eliminate these radicals and impurities from our skin. My clients leave feeling fresh and clean.
Besides the incredible benefits of facials, there’s also the element of relaxation and rejuvenation for the body. From your eyes to your shoulders, facials massage the muscles and relax them. It keeps your skin glowing & well rested.
- What is the importance of a Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is an amazing treatment that will help clear the skin from many problems including acne, scarring, hyperpigmentation & rosacea. Your skin will change for the best as long as your aesthetician understands the needs of your skin.
Essentially this treatment exfoliates the skin on a deeper level and leaves it a little “thirsty”. This causes the skin care products to penetrate deeply into the skin, allowing the body to build collagen. I also like that microderm treatments help tighten pores and improve skin elasticity.
- What is your favorite part of your job?
At JUVA, I have witnessed men & women come in with troubled skin. After seeing the JUVA doctors and aestheticians for 6 months to a year, their skin goes back to their “normal state”. At JUVA, I’m proud of the team effort we provide to heal the skin, soul & insecurities of patients that feel “ugly” for so long.
- How often do you think one should get a facial?
I recommend getting facials every 4-6 weeks. It’s very important for people to understand that it takes at least 4 weeks for a product or treatment to fully take effect on the skin.
- Which facials do you recommend in the winter time?
I recommend ALL FACIALS (JK)! I love learning about all the different products JUVA has to offer for various skin types. Winter can be tricky because your skin can handle stronger treatment you might avoid in the summer. The key to winter skin care is exfoliation and hydration. The cold winter winds and heat can strip the skin of moisture. So, it’s important to learn the balance of exfoliation and hydration along with anti-aging products to give your skin that dewy winter glow!