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Non-Surgical Dermatology Options


The most common skin condition in America is acne, affecting people of all ethnic backgrounds. It’s estimated that 85-100% of people will be affected by it at some point in their lives, with it most commonly appearing on the chest, back, shoulders, neck, buttocks and upper arms. There are multiple factors that cause acne, with the most common causes are bacterial (p.acnes bacteria), inflammation, abnormal skin differentiation and excess oil production.

There are several types of acne:

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Cysts
  • Nodules

There are numerous treatments:

  • Modification of hygiene regimens
  • At-home/over the counter treatments
  • Prescription topical or oral treatments

Physical modality treatments include:

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Diseases Of The Hair

At JUVA, we offer a variety of hair restoration options, including platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) and Vectus laser treatment. Typically, PRP is supplemented with Viviscal, which is an oral and topical supplement that works synergistically with PRP.

Diseases Of The Nails

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nails. It can occur on the finger and toenails, but not all nail thickening or discoloration is a fungal infection. Age, trauma, underlying health conditions, and yeast infections can mimic fungal infections. An assessment by one of our board-certified dermatologists in NYC will help to identify the underlying cause of nail issues.

At JUVA, we have numerous treatments for nail fungus, with laser therapy being one of the most common and effective.

JUVA Skin & Laser Center

Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a surgical procedure used to treat skin cancers and other atypical growths. This is known as a tissue-sparing surgery that does not require general anesthesia, instead performed using a local anesthetic, on an outpatient basis.

Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin cancers treated. Mohs surgery is utilized for skin cancers that meet certain criteria, including:

  • Skin cancers located in anatomically sensitive areas, such as the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, hairline, hands, feet, and genitals. These are areas where you want to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible.
  • Cancers that are large or have an aggressive subtype.
  • Cancers that have the potential for a risk of recurrence or that have recurred after previous treatment.
  • Skin cancers that are ill-defined.

How Mohs Surgery Works

Assessing Moles on Your Body

The appearance of cancerous (malignant) moles varies greatly. Malignant moles may showcase all of the aspects listed above, or just one or two. Changes in moles, from size to color to shape, will warrant a skin check. It is imperative to be evaluated for melanoma. Some people have a higher than normal chance of developing moles that become cancerous.

Many medical professionals, including the Mayo Clinic, recommend this guide for self-examination to assess moles and determine if they could be considered “atypical:”

  • One-half of the mole does not look like the other half
  • The outline of the mole is irregular
  • More than one color can be seen, such as brown, black, red, blue and white
  • A mole larger than 6 mm (1/4 inch), which is roughly the size of a pencil eraser
  • Evolving: Changes in the mole over time
JUVA Skin & Laser Center


Psoriasis is a skin condition that manifests as itchy, persistent, red, thickened, scaly lesions. There is a hereditary component to psoriasis, as 30% of patients have a family member with the condition. There are several forms of psoriasis. Some can be triggered by certain situations like emotional stress, injury to the skin, infection and various medications.

There are numerous topical, oral and injectable treatments for psoriasis. At JUVA, we have the X-TRAC excimer laser, which is one of the most effective and safest psoriasis treatments available.

Dr. Katz on Skin Cancer

Skin Tags or Skin Biopsy

A skin biopsy involves removing a sample of your skin, to be evaluated under a microscope in order to facilitate diagnosis. There are two main types of skin biopsies:

  • Shave biopsy: Using a razor-like tool, the top layers of skin in a small area are removed
  • Punch biopsy: Using a circular tool, the skin is punctured to remove deeper layers of skin in a small section

After the procedure, the samples are sent to a pathology laboratory for evaluation. We will then receive a written report detailing the results. A completed report may take several days or a couple of weeks, depending on the type and indication for the biopsy.


Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, which causes the immune cells of the body to attack the melanocytes within the skin. This results in a localized loss of pigment, which can be on the skin or even hair, occuring at all ages and affecting people of all races. At JUVA, we have the XTRAC excimer laser, which is one of the most effective treatments in restoring the pigment in vitiligo. Vitiligo can be associated with underlying conditions such as thyroid disease, alopecia areata, diabetes mellitus, addison disease, myasthenia gravis.

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