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If you are struggling with loose skin, you may consider a radio frequency treatment to achieve a firmer more youthful appearance. At JUVA Skin & Laser, we offer a variety of treatment options to achieve your own unique skin rejuvenation goals.

Please call (212) 688-5882 to schedule a skin tightening consultation with our experienced dermatologists. We welcome patients throughout New York including Manhattan, Woodside, and worldwide.

What Is Radio Frequency?

Radio frequency is a type of energy that is used in many skin tightening treatments. The degree of energy used during these treatments is on the low end of the radio frequency spectrum. This energy is used in many things that you come into contact with on a daily basis, including cell phones and televisions.

Schedule A Consultation With Our Manhattan Dermatologists

Our experienced dermatologists can determine the right radio frequency treatment for you. Please call (212) 688-5882 to schedule your personalized consultation. We proudly serve NYC, Manhattan, Woodside, and worldwide.

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